Advantages of fiber optic cable

Fiber optic cable is rapidly becoming the industry standard in computer networking, telecommunications and audio equipment at home. Fiber optic cable offers many advantages over other types of cable used for the transmission of audio data, video and voice.


Fiber optic cable is more reliable than previous cable types that were commonly used for transmission of data including voice, video and data. High-speed communications are often dependent on the use of fiber optic cables to facilitate reliable network connections.


Fiber optic cable is less susceptible to breakage than other types of cables, including cat 5 and coaxial cable.

More bandwidth

Fiber optic cable can facilitate increased bandwidth for faster data transmission, as well as the best audio and video reception on devices such as stereo speakers, headphones and televisions.


Although many Internet connections currently still using coaxial cable and Cat 5 cable in the house, the main ISP connection is made up of fiber optic cables. For this reason, fiber optic cable is co-compatible with existing cable technologies.

Less interference

Other types of cable may fall victim to interference from sources such as radios and lights; fiber optic cable has a greater signal carrying capacity, which is equal to less interference.


Fiber optic cable can carry a strong signal over a large distance, resulting in a better quality in the transmission of voice and / or images.